Nourishment is one of the most basic human needs yet we face numerous challenges in securing adequate nourishment for all. Food-related issues in the U.S. and abroad are constantly among the headlines. The practices of transnational food corporations which dominate food supply chains, notably the use of industrial pesticides and factory farms, are infecting our bodies and our world. Buzz words and phrases such as “organic”, “local”, “slow food”, and “real food” have gained significance in popular conversation and the food movements they describe have changed the ways we approach food production and consumption. What's on the table? Who is at the table?
The theme for the upcoming Ecumenical Advocacy Days will be “At God’s Table: Food Justice for a Healthy World.” What does God’s table look like? What are the injustices underlying the availability of food? What does healthy really mean? How can we transform our world to better reflect God’s table of abundance and equality?
Save the Date!
April 5th- 8th, 2013
Washington, DC
Come to the 11th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days to seek Food Justice for a Healthy World. In a world that produces enough food for everyone, EAD will explore the injustices in global food systems that leave one billion people hungry, create food price shocks that destabilize communities everywhere, and undermine God’s creation. At God’s table, all are invited and fed, and the poorest in our midst are given a special place. Together we will seek the abundance and equality that we find reflected in the biblical image of God’s great banquet table (Exodus 16:16-18 & Luke 14:15-24). Inspiring speakers will offer a faith-based vision for fair and humane food policies and practices, along with grassroots advocacy training, all culminating with Monday’s Lobby Day on Capitol Hill.
Ecumenical Advocacy Days is a high impact weekend sponsored by the ecumenical Christian community and grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and integrity of creation. Our goal is to strengthen our Christian voice and mobilize for advocacy on specific U.S. domestic and international policy issues relating to food justice. This upcoming year, the Compassion, Peace and Justice Days will be combined with the Ecumenical Advocacy Days to form an advocacy training weekend which will keep the title Ecumenical Advocacy Days. We hope to see you there!
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