Where’s the issue of poverty in the 2012 elections?
What is this “fiscal cliff” and how does it impact the issues you care about?
How can people of faith make a real difference in this historic lame duck session?
Learn all of this and more in the upcoming DHN webinar:
Poverty in the Upcoming Elections
Thursday, October 18
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Sign up now! https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/453550545
Confirmed speakers:
- Rev. Michael Livingston (moderator), Past President, National Council of Churches and current National Public Policy Director of Interfaith Worker Justice
- Melissa Boteach, Poverty and Prosperity Program Director, Half in Ten
- Shantha Ready Alonso, Interim Coordinator of the Poverty Initiative of the National Council of Churches
- Amelia Kegan, Senior Policy Analyst at Bread for the World
- Leslie Woods, Representative for Domestic Poverty and Environmental Issues, Presbyterian Church (USA)
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