This message delivered by the Rev. J. Herbert Nelson, Director for Public Witness, at the Loaves and Fishesgathering on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. The gathering was organized by my faith organizations and was intended to call attention to and to protect programs that impact the poor in the United States. A Moral CrisisToday we are faced with a crisis in our nation. Our nation faces a moment of...
Friday, 22 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Newest Washington Report to Presbyterians
Posted on 10:41 by Unknown

The newest Washington Report to Presbyterians is being mailed this week. Download your digital version here.Scroll down for included topics in this issue.This issues's topics include:A Lenten Call: Petition to Reduce Gun ViolenceWelcome to Advocacy Training WeekendCompassion, Peace & Justice Training DayEcumenical Advocacy DaysMeet our Spring Interns and Emerson Hunger FellowGod is Love: A Statement on Gun ViolencePresbyterians for...
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Invitation: What Was Washington Thinking? Webinar
Posted on 18:54 by Unknown

From the Interreligious Working Group on Domestic Human Needs:What was Washington Thinking?!What’s with Congress? Will they address sequestration? Will these budget standoffs continue? What can we expect next? Join us for a special DHN webinar:Wednesday, March 1312:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT Sign up now! the latest from Washington on the current state of affairs in...
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
PC(USA) Joins other Faith Groups in Supporting Minimum Wage Increase
Posted on 11:17 by Unknown

March 5, 2013Dear Member of Congress,As communities of faith united by our common religious traditions and values of justice and compassion, we write to you today to urge you to co-sponsor and support the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 recently introduced by Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller.This important piece of legislation would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 in three increments of 95 cents. The bill would...
VAWA Reauthorization Moves to the President's Desk
Posted on 09:31 by Unknown

Last Thursday, Feb. 28, the House of Representatives passed S. 47, a strong, inclusive bill to reauthorize the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), by a vote of 286-138. The same bill was passed by the Senate just weeks before with a vote of 78-22. As you see, both of these votes included a strong, bipartisan showing. This just goes to show that there are still some issues that unite us across party lines.The VAWA reauthorization...
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