McGovern Amendment to Defend SNAP Falls Short
Support McGoverns Amendment to Defend SNAP
Last night, the House voted down the McGovern Amendment (188 to 234) despite your protests to keep cuts to SNAP in the Farm Bill. With these 20$ billion in cuts we can’t support this legislation. This will leave many hungry and with nowhere left to look but already overstressed food banks.
The SNAP cuts included in the House bill could kick at least 2 million people off of the program, reduce benefits for more than 800,000 families, and leave 210,000 children without free school meals. Cuts to food aid programs could cost lives and hinder the ability of the United States to effectively reach millions of people in need. These cuts must not stand.
As the Farm Bill continues through the amendment process it is extremely important that we continue to contact our representatives and urge them to support a better Farm Bill. As Presbyterians we support amendments that will focus on proper stewardship of the environment, ensuring proper access of food for all, and payment limits on commodities.
Call the US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 and ask your Representative to support a faithful Farm Bill
Amendments to watch
Stewardship of the Environment
Support the Costa Amendment
Uses funds from the Rural Utility Service to address contamination of rural drinking water in communities with less than 10,000 residents.
Proper access to food for all
Oppose the Scott Amendment
This amendment would limit the ability of families of those who commit serious crimes. This is destructive to our sense of restorative justice and victimizes families.
Payment limits
Support the Fortenberry Amendment
capping commodity payments at $250,000 per year for any one farm. The legislation also closes loopholes in current law to ensure payments reach working farmers, their intended recipients.
We thank you for your continued advocacy efforts on these amendments. While the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness is disappointed that the cuts to SNAP will not be restored, as Rep. McGovern proposed, we are very glad that the mandatory structure of the program will remain intact, providing a vital safety net to those who are experiencing food insecurity.
The future of the Farm Bill in the House of Representatives is unclear. However, what is clear is that we must continue to push for these key issues.
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