Although the media tends to focus on violent incidents in Israel and Palestine, nonviolent actions for peacemaking occur daily with little fanfare. As people of faith, it is our duty to help raise the voices of both Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers against the ongoing acts of horrific violence and terror. Urge your members of Congress to seek a true resolution to the conflict, not just a swift action that will perpetuate the suffering of our sisters and brothers in the middle east.
If any peace agreement is to succeed, it must address core concerns of the conflict, including:
· The cessation of systematic violation of human rights by any party, specifically,
practices of administrative detention, collective punishment, the torture of prisoners and suspects, home demolitions and evictions, and the deportation of dissidents.
· The end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and diversion of water
· The dismantling of the wall between the regions.
· An immediate freeze both on the establishment or expansion of Israeli settlements in
the West Bank and on the Israeli acquisition of Palestinian land and buildings in East Jerusalem.
· A shared status for Jerusalem.
· Equal rights for Palestinian citizens of the state of Israel.
Take action to end the violence and bring about genuine and lasting change in the Holy Land. Please ask your Members of Congress for a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I urge you to help raise the voices of Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers to seek a just and permanent resolution to the conflict, not just a swift action that will perpetuate the suffering of our sisters and brothers in the middle east.
To contact your members of Congress, click "Take action" or follow this link:
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