June 28, 2013
President Obama Visits Africa as Corporate Tax Avoidance and Debt Crisis Trap Millions of Africans in Poverty
Faith Community Prays Trip will Focus on Poverty
WASHINGTON, DC - President Obama is traveling to the African nations of Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa from June 26-July 3 See Jubilee USA's Director's press statement below and read Jubilee's recommendations to the President and backgrounder here.
Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA Network, a faith-based antipoverty organization, releases the following statement:
"It's an incredibly exciting moment as the President and First Lady visit Africa after the momentum of the G8 meeting that focused on corporate tax avoidance and poverty. We hope the President will use the trip to focus on corporations avoiding taxes in Africa. Corporate tax avoidance in much of sub-Saharan Africa amounts to a theft from the poor.
"The faith community prays that the President will shine a light on the debt crisis that is keeping millions of people poor across the continent."
Read Jubilee USA's recommendations here.
Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations, 250 faith communities and 50 Jubilee global partners working. Jubilee's mission is to build an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable. Jubilee USA has won critical global financial reforms and more than $130 billion in debt relief to benefit the world's poorest people.
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