Call the House of Representatives this Tuesday, July 9th!
And don't just call - drop in and visit your Representative's local office!
On Wednesday, July 10th, House majority will convene a special meeting to determine their position and strategy on immigration reform, which will have a profound influence on the future of legislative process.

On the eve of this meeting, ALL Representatives need to hear from people of faith. Raise your voices and tell your Representative to focus on legislation that creates a pathway to citizenship and reunites families. Make your call, and ask your friends, neighbors, congregation members, etc. to join you in calling and visiting your Representative's local office, which should be close to where you live.
Find your Representative's contact information on our website.
Call 1-866-940-2439 to be connected with a key Representative near you.
You can also call the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 or find your Representative's direct line at
Feel free to use this sample script:
"I am from [City, State, Congregation], and I urge the Representative to support immigration reform that creates a path to citizenship and reunites families.
As a person of faith, I urge the Representative to OPPOSE bills like the SAFE Act, Border Security Results Act, Agricultural Guestworker Act, and SKILLS Visas Act. These are not real reforms to our immigration system. We need immigration reform that creates a path to citizenship and reunites separated families."
Keep up the pressure on social media! Find Your Representative’s Twitter and urge them to support a path to citizenship and oppose incomplete and harmful bills like the SAFE and AG Acts by tweeting @[their twitter name].
Ex: "@Raul_Labrador As a person of faith from Idaho I support #pathtocitizenship & #familyunity. Please support #immigrationreform!"
To read more about our General Assembly policy on immigration read our blog post here.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook and to read our blog for continuedupdates on immigration.
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