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Call your Senators and insist that they act to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and put an end to anti-LGBT workplace discrimination.
ENDA is a common-sense solution that will prohibit discrimination against LGBT people in the workplace.
o In 29 states, it remains legal to fire, refuse to hire, or fail to promote an employee based on sexual orientation
o In 33 states, it remains legal to fire, refuse to hire, or fail to promote an employee based on gender identity
When you are connected to your Senator, remind them of some of the key talking points below:
o ENDA ensures that all people are measured based on their qualifications for a job and the work they perform – it does not create “special rights”
o ENDA makes good business sense and helps build a stronger, protected workforce - 88% of Fortune 500 companies already have policies prohibiting discrimination against gay and lesbian employees, and 57% protect transgender employees
o ENDA conforms to our core religious belief that everyone is created in the image of God and to our fundamental American ideals of equality – more than 73% of Americans support such legislation
o ENDA contains a broad religious exemption – concerns about religious freedom should not prevent support of this legislation
What does the General Assembly say on this issue?
o The 214th General Assembly (2002) called upon Presbyterians to work for the passage of laws that prohibit discrimination in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations based on the sexual orientation of a person.
When you call your Senators, let them know that you are calling as a member of the faith community and that you support ending discrimination against LGBT workers.
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