Reauthorization of VAWA (S. 1925)
The bipartisan Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization bill (S. 1925) protects all victims of violence – domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This bill is expected for a vote in the Senate as early as today. Tell your Senators to vote to keep all of the critical provisions, including those protections for Tribal women, immigrants, and LGBTQ victims, in the bill.
Since its passage in 1994, VAWA has a proven track record of protecting women from domestic violence, reducing the annual incidence of domestic violence by more than 50 percent. VAWA was the first U.S. federal law acknowledging domestic violence and sexual assault as crimes. This law passed the Senate unanimously in 2000 and 2005, and 47 state attorneys general support its reauthorization now.
The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA -- S. 1925), a bipartisan bill introduced by Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID), streamlines programs to improve effectiveness, increases accountability to ensure that all victims and survivors receive the greatest benefit, and provides critical improvements to respond to the unmet needs of communities across the country. In particular, S. 1925 explicitly strengthens protections for those experiencing violence at the hands of a same-sex partner, as well as for immigrants and Native American women.
The bill currently has 61 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate. With strong bipartisan support, a vote on the Senate floor is expected as early as Wednesday, April 25!
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