Come join the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness’
Second Tuesday Briefing and Screening of the PC(USA)
Documentary “TRIGGER”
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, lunch to followPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness100 Maryland Ave NE, Conference Rooms 1 & 2 (Lobby Level)Washington DC 2000210am – 11am – Movie Screening: TRIGGER: the Ripple Effect of Gun Violence
In the US, more than 30,000 people are killed every year by gun violence; many more are wounded. The disaster caused by gun violence is seen in almost every community. TRIGGER: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violenceshares the story of how gun violence impacts individuals and communities, and examines the "ripple effect" that one shooting has on an individual, a family, a community and a society. TRIGGER also addresses the critical issue of gun violence prevention by moving the conversation away from the polarizing extremes that have long dominated the debate and lifting up the voice and experiences of those who seek common ground and a new way forward.
11am – 12pm – Question and Answer Session with the Director, David Barnhart
David Barnhart is an award winning Producer, Director, and documentary filmmaker for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Barnhart has developed story and documentary film initiatives with children living on the streets in Argentina; communities displaced by war and natural disasters in Latin America and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; with survivors in South Korea of systematic rape and torture by the Japanese military during WWII; and with survivors of the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia. Two of his most recent projects, “Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami,” and “Coming Home: Hurricane Katrina 5 Years Later” were broadcast nationally on ABC and NBC and were screened at film festivals across the country and internationally. “Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami” also had the distinguished honor of being selected by the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site as part of its D.R.E.A.M Film Series. Barnhart is currently developing long-term story initiatives with survivors from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and has just completed a project that focuses on the ripple effect of Gun Violence that is slated to be on NBC starting in November 2012.RSVP: Annette at 543-1126 x 221 or Annette.Greer@pcusa.orgWe look forward to seeing you and your joining us for lunch afterward – all are welcome!Also, please note that there will be no Second Tuesday event in April. Instead of 2nd Tuesday, we hope you and your friends will join us on Friday, April 5th , for the 3rd Annual CPJ Training Day to educate Presbyterians on the work of the PC(USA) in the face of injustices in global food systems. Following CPJ Training Day, the ecumenical community will gather during Ecumenical Advocacy Days(April 5 – 8) to seek the abundance and equality that we find reflected in the biblical image of God’s great banquet table. Inspiring speakers will offer a faith-based vision for fair and humane food policies and practices, along with grassroots advocacy training, all culminating with Monday’s Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. For more information about both events, go to: We encourage you to come to CPJ/EAD Advocacy Weekend, and to encourage others to do the same!Thank you for your faithful witness.
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